Marysville Library leads teens in making ‘altered objects’

Teens at the Marysville Library got a chance to create eye-catching art out of recycled materials March 24. Close to a dozen kids from Marysville and Arlington put together "LED throwies," under the supervision of Marysville Library Teen Librarian Laura Tilman, out of ingredients that cost little more than pennies each.

MARYSVILLE — Teens at the Marysville Library got a chance to create eye-catching art out of recycled materials March 24.

Close to a dozen kids from Marysville and Arlington put together “LED throwies,” under the supervision of Marysville Library Teen Librarian Laura Tilman, out of ingredients that cost little more than pennies each.

“This is part of our ‘altered objects’ series,” Tilman said. “We take stuff and use it for other things. We’ve made bags out of juice pouches, safes out of books and charms out of bottle caps.”

An “LED throwy” consists of a single colored LED bulb, a battery and a magnet, all of which are held together with clear tape. The bulb stays lit for about a week and a half, and the magnet allows the throwy to be stuck on any metal surface.

Marysville’s Jordan Baugh and Arlington’s Ashley Cline, both 16, were among those taping together multiple LED colors of throwies at the Marysville Library March 24.

“I come to these teen programs when I can,” Baugh said. “It’s nice to see these people again, since a lot of them I don’t see that often.”

“I’m here every Wednesday,” Cline said. “I like making stuff, especially when it’s shiny,” she laughed.

Tilman noted that the Marysville Library also conducts weekly meetings of a Teen Advisory Board and a “Pizza and Books Club.” For more information, call her at 360-658-5033.