I do not know Tom Greene as Ms. Debbie Wold does and I have no reason to doubt her assessment of Mr. Greene as an experienced man of honesty and integrity.
Mr. John Lovick is also an experienced man of honesty and integrity. Snohomish County is lucky to have such a choice.
No, I was not at the Greene kick-off breakfast featuring Ken Hutcherson as keynote speaker. The vast majority of Snohomish County citizens were not there. Most of us were not there to hear Mr. Greene speak at a conference featuring the Minutemen, either.
My letter of Oct. 24 was prompted by a conference of the Watchmen in Lynnwood, not political timing. Mr. Ken Hutcherson is a leader of that group. Right or wrong we are judged by the company we keep.
The fact is Mr. Greenes associations have struck fear in the hearts of the gay community and in the hearts of people of color without any help from me. If he is elected our new sheriff and if he truly does care about all people, his first challenge will be to rebuild trust in the Sheriffs Department among minority communities.
Mark Griswold
Mill Creek
First task for Greene
I do not know Tom Greene as Ms. Debbie Wold does and I have no reason to doubt her assessment of Mr. Greene as an experienced man of honesty and integrity.