The Sept. 17 edition of The Times published a letter from a reader bemoaning the fact that someone dared to criticize Obama, the media’s messianic candidate, during the Republican convention. The author declared that she had had enough of the “shooting from the hip” by the opposition. Well there’s plenty that the rest of us have had enough of.
I’ve had enough of those who have reaped more blessings from this country than 99 percent of the rest of us tearing it down at every opportunity.
I’ve had enough of politicians who create class envy and build their own power by promising hand outs to the do-nothings taken from those who lift themselves up with their own work ethic.
I’ve had enough of those who think Harvard educated politicians are better than the rest of us because of where they went to school and their diploma somehow entitles them to reign over our money and freedom. There are many who have been educated beyond their intelligence.
I’ve had enough of people claiming McCain is only for the rich and influential when it is Obama who is the number two donation recipient from the failed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and who has several of its past executives on his staff. These executives made millions running their companies into the ground with sub-prime mortgages and are responsible for the billions the rest of us taxpayers will have to pay to bail them out.
I’ve had enough of politicians claiming that government has a solution for every problem when it can’t even deal with the ones it attempts to fix now.
I’ve had enough of slanted media coverage that gives little attention to Obama’s questionable associations. His community organizer days were with ACORN, a largely communist organization that has been cited in many incidents of voter fraud. He has worked closely with and kicked off his campaign at the home of Bill Ayers, a convicted terrorist. His key fundraiser, Tony Rezko, has been convicted for fraud and bribery. The press is blatantly avoiding reporting about the corrupt Chicago political machine that elevated Obama yet is looking at Governor Palin’s perfectly ethical decision to fire an at-will employee with a microscope.
I’ve had enough of Obama offering hope for the hopeless when he was the only Illinois state senator to vote against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act which was written to protect those few born alive following an abortion. How much hope does he really offer for the most helpless of all?
I’ve had enough of Obama saying he supports the second amendment while supporting legislation banning handguns, other common use firearms, ammunition and voting against a law giving legal protection to those who have defended their lives from criminals in their own home.
I’ve had enough of being told Biden is a man for the little guy when tax returns reveal his charitable donations are probably less than most readers of this paper.
I’ve had enough of being told I’m not allowed to question the patriotism of someone who has been endorsed by the Islamic terrorist group Hamas and goes abroad bashing this country in front of sycophantic European crowds.
I’ve had enough of radical Obama supporting groups such as Code Pink and Move On claiming to support human rights while trying to suppress others’ free speech.
Come November I hope many others have had enough and will see through the media smokescreen and beyond the lofty rhetoric of prepared speeches given behind tele-prompters. On the one side you have a condescending, narcissistic Marxist, who acts as if he’s running for king, and a slick hypocritical Washington lawyer. On the other is a man who physically suffered for his country and personifies service along with a salt of the earth woman with the proven fortitude to make tough but necessary decisions. The choice is clear.
Paul VanGinhoven