MARYSVILLE – Four students received Equity, Diversity and Indigenous Education Students of the Month awards at the school board meeting Monday night.
Marisa Joseph is a junior at M-P. She takes Advanced Placement classes and still has a grade point average of 3.957. She is a member of the Tulalip Youth Council and part of the Tulalip Summer Youth Employment program. She also is involved in her culture, especially with her artwork.
Kalhan Moses is a seventh-grader at Marysville Middle School and is involved in her culture, especially dance. She is a leader with a great attitude.
Sean Paul Mace attends Marysville-Pilchuck High School and is very engaged in his school and community. He shows a lot of school spirit and has a great sense of humor. He is strong and outgoing and hates missing school.
Third-grader Brooklyn Hatch of Cascade Elementary is a self manager who shows quiet confidence as a positive leader. She works hard, listens and always does the right thing. She also is involved in her culture and always tries to do her best.
Board member Chris Nation said later that he is glad to see students sharing their culture at all the schools in the district, adding that was needed.