TULALIP — The Marysville Community Food Bank honored its volunteers during its April 29 dinner at the Pacific Rim Supper Club and Ballroom.
“Volunteers at the Food Bank are our most valued gifts,” Food Bank Board member Alonna Chatburn said in a statement. “Due to their commitment and generosity the hungry in our area are very well served.”
Food Bank Board President Mike Mulligan served as emcee for the evening, thanking 150 volunteers and guests for their contributions toward operating the Food Bank so successfully. Of special note was the attendance of Food Bank Founder JoAnn Mulligan, former Food Bank Director Joyce Zeigen, and newly hired Food Bank Director Dell Deierling. Food Bank Board member John Snyder prepared a slideshow that was displayed throughout the evening showing volunteers at work, while Dana Smith and Jean Rowe assembled gift baskets that were used as door prizes.
The Food Bank Volunteer of the Year was selected by all the volunteers. JoAnn Sewell was chosen for her dedicated service to the Food Bank. For nearly two years, she’s volunteered almost without missing a day, and has served as volunteer coordinator, which now will be a part-time paid job for her. In addition to organizing the cleaning and sorting of produce and deli items, Sewell stepped in as interim co-director this spring during the hiring process for a new director, and acted as both creator and sponsor of Giving Gardens, which encourages gardeners to raise fresh produce for the Food Bank
“She does about a million other tasks for the Food Bank,” Chatburn said in her statement. “JoAnn is highly respected and admired for her hard work, tenacity and dedication to the Food Bank. We are grateful for her volunteerism.”