Sorry to bother you but so far it looks like the Arlington Times delivery system is not working not on Burn Road at least.
The papers are bagged and thrown sort of into driveways. There they lie. They are driven over. They blow around. They get rained on. The bags split. More mess.
I live opposite Mora Drive. My mailbox (and attached paper boxes but who cares about that) are among a largish rank of mailboxes and paper boxes. This morning (Sunday) there were 15 or 16 Arlington Times laying on the ground in front of the various mailboxes in the mud puddle. Several papers were un-bagged, had blown about and will likely mold where they lay. Yuck.
Then I drove northward to Arlington. There were several dozen of Arlington Times in various states lying in or near driveways. And I bet Burn Road isnt the only one with this problem.
This is a real mess. It looks messy and puts forward a very poor image of the paper.
Thanks for listening. Hope you get something figured out soon so our roads and driveways dont become completely plastered with paper mush. And I hope those plastic bags are biodegradable and wont kill the wildlife in the process.
Noel Lareau
Delivery Disaster
Sorry to bother you but so far it looks like the Arlington Times delivery system is not working not on Burn Road at least.