City limits lawn watering

Annual summer lawn-watering restrictions took effect at the start of June, to encourage Marysville-area utility customers to be water-smart this summer, when rolling out their hoses and turning on their sprinklers.

Annual summer lawn-watering restrictions took effect at the start of June, to encourage Marysville-area utility customers to be water-smart this summer, when rolling out their hoses and turning on their sprinklers.

The city of Marysville recently mailed the 2009 Summer Lawn-Watering Calendar to utility customers. To use the calendar, customers only need to match the last two digits in their house addresses with one of the calendar’s three colors — green for 00-15, yellow for 16-32 or blue for 33-99 — and water on those assigned days only.

Marysville has implemented the state-mandated annual lawn-watering program since 1990. It applies during the months of June through September.

To request a copy of the lawn-watering calendar, please call 360-363-8000. Copies are also available at the Marysville City Hall, located at 1049 State Ave., and the city’s Public Works Building, located at 80 Columbia Ave. The calendar is also viewable and available to download on the city’s Web site, at