Last year, the city of Marysville made significant headway in re-building funding for some core government services put on hold while we waited for the economy to improve.
Last month, I attended the Mayors’ Institute on City Design (MICD) in Los Angeles to share Marysville’s downtown-waterfront revitalization plans and receive feedback from fellow mayors and a panel of nationally renowned urban design experts.
Last week, I presented my proposed 2014 Budget to Marysville citizens and the City Council, a cautious but optimistic spending plan that takes investing back into Marysville’s future to the next level.
Among city services, Code Enforcement is vitally important to the safety, public health and appearance of our neighborhoods in Marysville.
When you think of summer, road projects and traffic cones probably aren’t the first images that come to mind, but several projects have been completed this season or will be in the months ahead that will make your drive in Marysville more pleasant and convenient.
In the coming weeks, the winners will be announced in our 2013 Pride of Marysville Neighborhood Improvement Award program.
Summertime is almost here. City of Marysville and the creative minds in the Parks and Recreation Department have put together a colorful blend of fun special events, camps, classes, activities and recreational opportunities to fill every family member’s calendar.
I encourage you to join me for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Marysville/Tulalip when we join together as a community on June 29 to celebrate survivors, remember those who are no longer with us, and raise money toward finding the cure that will end cancer in our lifetime.
As many community members are already aware, the city and a multitude of enthusiastic, civic-minded volunteers are readying for our 2nd Annual Marysville Community Clean Sweep Week.
Cities across Washington state over the past decade have faced significant challenges to provide adequate transportation funding for area roadways.
Afew weeks ago, Chief Administrative Officer Gloria Hirashima and I met with a prominent real estate investor who had recently visited to walk around Marysville’s downtown and waterfront district. He is a smart entrepreneur who knows a thing or two about what it takes to help revitalize a downtown, because he has done it before.
Iwant to extend my best wishes to the citizens and families in Marysville for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.
The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are always a special time of year for people who live and work in Marysville. It’s a time to be with family and enjoy the company of friends and loved ones, a time to say thanks for all that we have, and a time to reflect on what we have shared with those who are not as fortunate or have fallen on tough times.