Fundraiser for Marysville 10-year-old draws more than $2,500

On March 10, 10-year-old Emily Norman suffered injuries that sent her to Harborview Medical Center. On March 20, friends and neighbors of the Norman family staged a fundraiser for Emily that drew more than $2,500.

MARYSVILLE — On March 10, 10-year-old Emily Norman suffered injuries that sent her to Harborview Medical Center.

On March 20, friends and neighbors of the Norman family staged a fundraiser for Emily that drew more than $2,500.

Emily was riding a bike when she was accidentally hit by a car. Although she was left with no broken bones, her head injuries put her into intensive care.

Casey and Kerri Kolling joined Tim and Annette Rice in organizing a pot luck, bake sale, silent dessert auction, 50/50 raffle and poker tournament, the latter of which ran close to six hours.

“All our prizes were donated,” said Annette Rice, whose husband Tim is a longtime friend of Rob Norman, Emily’s father. “People called us up asking if they could donate items, and people we didn’t even know showed up to pitch in. The building was donated, and the tables were donated by AA Rentals. We received donations from Coca-Cola, the YMCA, Angel of the Winds Casino, the Cedarcrest Grill, Starbucks and the Sunnyside PTSA.”

“I coach the Normans’ youngest boy, and Rob coaches my oldest boy,” Casey Kolling said. “We’ve been friends for eight or nine years. Rob has coached a lot of soccer for a lot of ages, and his wife runs a daycare. They’re a hugely community-oriented family, and we wanted to take them under our wing.”

The Kollings had already collected roughly $100 in a jar from the Marysville Little League, but those who missed these fundraisers can still donate to the Norman family.

The Kollings are among the administrators of the “Everyday is Emily Norman DAY” group on Facebook, which lists updates on Emily’s condition and contact information for those interested in helping the Normans.

Donations to aid the Normans with medical expenses can be made to any branch of the Boeing Employees Credit Union, in the name of the Emily Nicole Norman Benevolent Fund, and any further inquiries can be made via e-mail to

“I love the support that my daughter has received from the community,” Rob Norman said. “This is all about her.”