Fighting crime and the justice system

We need to talk some more. For over eight days I was stuck with jury duty and for a week after that I had the flu and I think jury duty was the worst of the two. Our justice system has a lot of flaws in it. There are a lot of things to fix. The idea in this nation of being judged by your peers is flawed. The way the average citizen thinks today I wouldnt want to be judged by them.

We need to talk some more. For over eight days I was stuck with jury duty and for a week after that I had the flu and I think jury duty was the worst of the two. Our justice system has a lot of flaws in it. There are a lot of things to fix. The idea in this nation of being judged by your peers is flawed. The way the average citizen thinks today I wouldnt want to be judged by them.
I now read in the papers where Marysville is catching some of these kids that are doing graffiti and vandalism. Then what do they do, they turn them over to the parents. It appears the justice system is sccared to do much of anything. I said before, the kid and parent need to go to reform school. They need to be fined twice the cost of the damage. It is time that we bring curfews back to this community. They used to work years ago. It looks like we need some parenting classes for these so-called single mothers. I read where more and more grandparents are taking over the job of raising their grandchildren. The average American is poorly disciplined. I think parents should get themselves a book from the Dept. of Agriculture and read it. If we raise kids like we do chickens, no kid would get into drugs or do crime. It appears that women want to have kids but then turn them loose out into the streets. It looks like our schools are totally incapable of teaching discipline and character development. Our society as a whole is deteriorating so badly, there isnt a day that goes by that one or more kids is in trouble.
Throughout history, great nations have disappeared (like Rome) because of the breakdown of their society. Well, what do we do about it? We need to get some smart, conscientious people together like former judge Bib and former prosecutor Seth Dawson and others to talk about these problems and how to solve them. What were doing today is not getting us anywhere.
John Campbell