The Arlington Professional Firefighters Local 3728 has voted to support Mr. Chris Edmundson in the race for Fire Commissioner in District 19. Arlington has maintained a close working relationship with District 19 over the years and it is our belief that Mr. Edmundson represents the best candidate to maintain that strong interagency working relationship.
Mr. Edmundson brings to the position of Fire Commissioner a strong fire service background through his experience as both a volunteer and professional fire fighter. This provides him a unique perspective on how local agencies need to work together to provide improved services to our community.
Greg Koontz, President
Firefighters endorsement
The Arlington Professional Firefighters Local 3728 has voted to support Mr. Chris Edmundson in the race for Fire Commissioner in District 19. Arlington has maintained a close working relationship with District 19 over the years and it is our belief that Mr. Edmundson represents the best candidate to maintain that strong interagency working relationship.