A good library is the foundation of an educated, well-informed and resourceful community. By voting yes on Nov. 7 for a bond to build a new Arlington library, you will have an opportunity to make a valuable investment in your community.
The current library, which was built 25 years ago, is not adequate to serve the population of the Arlington area. Library users are expecting more services such as computers, an expanded materials collection and quiet reading spaces.
Projections show that the population of our area will increase by 46 percent by 2025. In order to accommodate this future growth, the proposed library will be approximately 20,000 square feet, which is four times the current library space.
Since the new library will be located across from the existing library, approximately 3,000 students will be within walking distance.
In 2000 the voters of this area indicated their support for a new library by creating a special taxing district. In addition to the voters support, the Arlington City Council showed its support by voting unanimously to donate the land for the new library.
The costs for construction and furnishing this new facility will be $8.1 million. This is approximately 18 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value or $36 per year on a $200,000 home.
Please vote yes to ensure that the Arlington Library will meet the present and future needs of our growing community.
Karen Hobson
Campaign Co-Manager
Citizens for a New Arlington Libarary
Foundation of education
A good library is the foundation of an educated, well-informed and resourceful community. By voting yes on Nov. 7 for a bond to build a new Arlington library, you will have an opportunity to make a valuable investment in your community.