German sheperd

I am writing you today to point out how the view of the German Shepherd dog has changed over the years; how this typical American hero has been reduced to somewhat of a villain and how this has affected the characteristic American Dream. During World War Two, the German Shepherd was used to complete many tasks and quickly took center stage in many households.

I am writing you today to point out how the view of the German Shepherd dog has changed over the years; how this typical American hero has been reduced to somewhat of a villain and how this has affected the characteristic American Dream. During World War Two, the German Shepherd was used to complete many tasks and quickly took center stage in many households.
People worshiped the dogs and they became popular among society and even in the entertainment business. As time went on and the war ended, the dogs were pushed into the workforce, most commonly as police dogs that were feared by many. People believed the dogs were vicious and would attack anyone in sight.
The changing opinions towards the German Shepherd have affected the typical lifestyle of many people. While people once longed to own these beautiful dogs; the new breed of choice is a small dog such as a Pomeranian. The change in size alters the activities in which the owners take part in, such as hiking or running. The American Dream has changed drastically due to the modern day perception of larger dogs such as the German shepherd
Lynne Gilliom