Insurance industry madder than a wet hen

During the last congressional session here in Washington State, the Fair Insurance Conduct Act was signed into law. The Act insures fair treatment by the insurance industry. Customers pay premiums and now insurance companies must pay claims as they advertise they do.

During the last congressional session here in Washington State, the Fair Insurance Conduct Act was signed into law. The Act insures fair treatment by the insurance industry. Customers pay premiums and now insurance companies must pay claims as they advertise they do.
The insurance industry is madder than a wet hen, and wants to pull the wool over consumers eyes by passing Referendum 67, which will repeal the Insurance Fair Conduct Act.
Dont be fooled by insurance industry-paid name gatherers asking you to join Consumers against Higher Insurance Rates. Rates are not even a part of the Fair Conduct Act. They just want to repeal the act so they can continue riding roughshod over Washington consumers.
Kim Speed