Is it illegal?

I just received my 2008 Real Estate Tax statement. I was shocked by the fact that Snohomish County had raised my property taxes by over 13 percent. I immediately called several friends, who stated the same thing.

I just received my 2008 Real Estate Tax statement. I was shocked by the fact that Snohomish County had raised my property taxes by over 13 percent. I immediately called several friends, who stated the same thing.
I thought that Governor Gregoire had made a statement recently, stating that our property taxes would not be raised in excess of 1 percent. I dont know if this is legal, but I do know that it is immoral and that the politicians of Snohomish County and the state of Washington should not be allowed to do this to their citizens.
When the country is entering a recession and the President/Congress is sending out rebate checks, it is reprehensible that our local politicians are allowed to do this. I now know what I will be doing with my rebate check.
I also hope the voters of Snohomish County and the state of Washington remember their tax statements at election time.
Bob Rise