
The headlines tell the story. Toyota No. 1 in world car sales. Environmentally based new jobs top 170,000 in Germany. Thousands of Chinese-produced CFLs (energy efficient light bulbs) saving money for American families. Germany leads world in Wind Power. Soy leads in solar cell applications.

The headlines tell the story. Toyota No. 1 in world car sales. Environmentally based new jobs top 170,000 in Germany. Thousands of Chinese-produced CFLs (energy efficient light bulbs) saving money for American families. Germany leads world in Wind Power. Soy leads in solar cell applications.
All of these events are being spurred by the rising cost of fossil fuel energy and the dawning recognition by thousands that we must change our ways. However, you probably noticed that most of these progressive events are being achieved across the oceans. Our administration seems to be in total denial on this issue, as on many others.
Whether Al Gore and thousands of the worlds scientists are right on global warming or not isnt the issue. Ordinary people are recognizing that our unrestrained use of fossil energy, which anyone must acknowledge is not obtainable forever on our small planet, must be moderated. When those same people seek to change their own lifestyle in response, they must buy Japanese cars, Asian solar panels, Chinese light bulbs, or European wind turbines. Its nearly impossible to buy American in this scenario.
Isnt it too bad that this Federal Government has failed to see the golden opportunities for job creation and enhanced invention of energy saving and conservation. Thank goodness some states, like California, are leading America in the new and essential direction. Their efforts may help us be leaders in sustainable efforts rather then Johnny-come-lately tag-a-longs.
Benita Helseth
Lake Stevens