The front-page article of Feb. 27, Local Tax Hike Highest in County, I believe is misleading. The article suggests the increase in residential property taxes was due in large part to school levies. In reviewing my yearly real estate tax summaries from the Snohomish County Treasurer, I see the levy rate has actually decreased, while the assessed value of land increased dramatically and buildings somewhat less dramatically.
I realize there are complicated factors contributing to the rapidly-rising property values and subsequent taxes, but it is unfair to single out school levies for the situation. I do not have children, but believe our schools need all the help they can get.
Lets put the blame where it belongs.
Kathryn Hack
Levy or assessed value?
The front-page article of Feb. 27, Local Tax Hike Highest in County, I believe is misleading. The article suggests the increase in residential property taxes was due in large part to school levies. In reviewing my yearly real estate tax summaries from the Snohomish County Treasurer, I see the levy rate has actually decreased, while the assessed value of land increased dramatically and buildings somewhat less dramatically.