I am an active member of a local Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. The national body of our church once worked up the fortitude to discuss gay ordination. Of the 100 members present at the national synod, 60 voted for it, 40 against.
There were strong feelings and PhDs in theology on both sides of the issue. In that instance the tail wagged the dog. It remains a contentious, uncompromising issue. I strongly believe that the gay issue is a debate that needs to remain inside the church. Unless our nation has suddenly become a theocracy, it is not wise for anyone in law enforcement to align themselves as antigay in their public lives.
And if sheriffs candidate Tom Greene had asked The Reverend Ken Hutcherson to do the invocation at his kick off fundraiser, I would take no issue. But that is not what he did. Ken Hutcherson, a well known, outspoken advocate against gay rights was the featured speaker and I must assume the leader at the prayer rally that followed. I can only see that as a reflection of the Greene agenda. I believe in justice for all and will be voting for John Lovick.
Mark Griswold
Mill Creek
Lovick for sheriff
I am an active member of a local Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. The national body of our church once worked up the fortitude to discuss gay ordination. Of the 100 members present at the national synod, 60 voted for it, 40 against.