Most of us are tired of angry, partisan politics and smear letters. We want someone who is not divisive, who can work with people on both sides of the aisle, who will listen. There is a candidate who is all of these things: it is Barbara Bailey. She is a legislator of honesty and integrity, who understands the issues and will work with representatives of both parties to represent us in Olympia.
Barbara Bailey helped pass SHB 1032 which created a sustainable energy trust and which promoted the development of sustainable energy resources including new energy technologies. She also supported EHB 1057 which required a review of state agencies that owned and operated refueling sites to see if it was practical and/or possible to offer alternative fuels to other agencies or for public use. Barbara Bailey also helped pass ESHB 1211 which provided tax exemptions for solar components.
I was rather surprised to learn that Joe Wilson, a candidate for Superior Court Judge, has had multiple DUI’s or alcohol related driving incidents as reported in the local media. Shouldn’t Superior Court Judges exemplify the law?
Those in support of physician-assisted suicide argue that by providing lethal medication they are showing compassion to the terminally ill. Yet when offered the choice of death, patients, instead of feeling less pain or fear, actually had increased feelings of anxiety, pain and worthlessness.
I think we should have school uniforms because some kids have very immodest and annoying taste. They give the wrong impressions, you think they are immodest, bad people but they’re nice and okay to hang out with.
I think that the school district should teach math, science, language, arts and social studies with video games. I know that each boy in my class plays video games.
I think we need to change the way the lunch service program works at Totem. Our lunch serving program was changed to where we get our $1.50 snack on Fridays only.
My mother is a teacher and she works so hard, she sometimes is up all night doing things for her job. She puts up with all of the kids in her classroom every day. And for what? A lousy pay that she deserves more of.
Liz Loomis was a student of mine many years ago when she was a teenager. She was officially in my French classes, but I also tutored her unofficially in Russian. I remember her clearly as extremely bright, completely self-motivated and thoroughly conscientious. And she also had a lively sense of humor.
I was reminiscing about last Fourth of July. I think that there should be two big days that we are able to launch off fireworks. It would be a huge boost to morale.
Wednesday, Sept. 24, thousands of citizens across America will ban together in a spirit of prayer, fasting, vigil and outreach to pray for an end to abortion in the United States. Locally, this is the second 40 Days for Life campaign at the Everett Planned Parenthood clinic.
Liz Loomis is the candidate we need elected in the 44th district this November. With experience serving on the Snohomish City Council and as Mayor of Snohomish, Liz has a proven record of getting things done.
The fourth annual Back to School Clothing Giveaway at Messiah Lutheran Church and Preschool was a great success. Over 160 families attended, representing in excess of 450 boys and girls. It is truly wonderful to live in a community that is as caring and generous as Marysville and its neighboring towns.