Our state government has an opportunity for redemption by moving HB1321 to the floor and passing it. HB1321 is a parental notification bill making it the law that parents are informed before Planned Parenthood can perform an abortion on their teenage daughter. HB1321 is notification only, not permission. If the teenage girl doses not want her parents notified, then a judge will decide if the parents are not fit to know and if a line needs to be drawn through their constitution rights. HB1321 will help ensure that the people who care most about this girl and the unborn have a chance to ensure her best interest and mental health are protected.
Boy, where have I been? According to Brian Laine (Oct. 18, letters to the editor) I no longer need the Arlington Public Library because I can get it all from my little old home computer. Wow. Lets see he must mean that I can get those 30 to 40 books I check out each month online for free? And I can get all those wonderful magazines I borrow for free online? And my husband can get all those blues, jazz, and Bob Dylan CDs online for free? And all those woodworking books he checks out? For free online? How about all that local family history research I do for others? Its online for free, too? And those DVDs I borrow for free? What a dummy Ive been.
I would like to congratulate The Globe/Times staff members who won WNPA awards but would like to challenge one of them to cover an accident waiting to happen.
The last six Washington governors, including the current one, Christine Gregoire, and both Republicans and Democrats of the past have all come together to oppose Initiative 933. Theres a very good reason for this: it is a devastating proposal.
I would like to thank Managing Librarian Leslie Moore for all of the help she gave me the last two-and-a-half years while I was researching the history of the women ancestors of my granddaughters two families in order to make her the quilt that hung on the library wall this summer. She very patiently helped me acquire skills I never thought Id have for doing online research, even on two different occasions giving the same lesson on how to really research on the Internet.
As a lifetime resident of Marysville, Im writing to urge citizens to vote yes on Proposition 1. The Marysville Fire District needs our help so that they can continue to provide the excellent service they have always given our community.
I want to applaud Mr. Hoffmans proposed solution to the graffiti problem that we are currently experiencing in Marysville. He is very generous to offer public and private property as a canvas for our young budding artists. I think he should take the lead in this bold and groundbreaking outreach program and offer up his residence to these artists as a token of his sincerity and commitment to the mastery of their skills. I am sure he will be proud to see every square inch of his property tagged with vulgar language and images that would not be appropriate to comment on. There are many people in this community, such as myself, who are very proud of their parks and businesses, who do not consider it a plausible solution to let vandals paint the whole town.
Every once in a while you get news that really knocks the wind right out of you. That was the case a couple of weeks ago when I received word that my brother, Howard Olsen had passed away. It was a Sunday and I had just enough time to meet with my nieces and their families before returning to Olympia for the legislative session. Believe me, the trip was not an easy one.
Earth Hour
As most people are aware, Feb. 19 is the date for the presidential primary. However, it is also the date that the Lakewood School District is asking the voters to approve two measures: The Replacement School Program and Operations Levy and the Technology Levy.
American Legion Post 76 Toys For Kids had a wonderful year. We raised $14,500 which was spent on toys for the less fortunate children who are registered with the Arlington Food Bank. This year, 351 kids got at least two gifts and sock stuffers. To raise this money we put out donation cans, sell cut outs of various denominations, have a live and silent auction and from monetary donations from individuals and businesses.
Theres a reason why Chief Tom Greene has the best resume out of the candidates for Snohomish County Sheriff, and its not merely because hes been behind a desk his entire career.
For the past 12 years Arlington High School DECA has been adopting families to help provide a Christmas for them. This year has been yet another successful year. You might have seen a DECA member standing outside your local grocery stores collecting canned goods and money.