On behalf of the Marysville Community Food Bank, we want to express our deep appreciation to all those people and organizations in our community who contributed so generously of their time, talent and resources to help feed the hungry in our area during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. We are indeed blessed to live in such a caring community.
Operation Marysville Community Christmas would like to thank the community for their support during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. Through the generosity of the community, OMCC was able to collect over 9,000 lbs. of food for the Marysville Community Food Bank, as well as distribute toys to 1,135 needy children in the community including more then 100 bicycles.
We would like to express appreciation to all of the sponsors who made the holiday season brighter for the children we serve in our Therapeutic Foster Care Program at Compass Health. We were so touched by the outpouring of support from the community.
generous members of the community who helped with our holiday drive for foster children and teens of Snohomish County, in conjunction with KidsDream of Snohomish County, www.kidsdreamofsnohomish.org.
In the nine years I have lived in Arlington, I have written a Letter to the Editor on several occasions. These letters have often been to bring attention to some community activity or to thank people for their support of those activities. Occasionally, I wrote about something in the community that was bothering me. Todays letter is different from previous letters, but it is not totally un-related. I have filed to run for the Arlington City Council. There were many factors that went into this long thought-out decision, but rest easy, I am not going to bore you with all of them. I do, however, think it is important for voters to have a sense of why a person wants to serve in public office and what that person brings to the office.
Earlier this year I wrote a letter encouraging the voters to vote no on the Cascade Hospital Bond because there were too many questions to be answered first.
Betty Sehlke, a member of the Silvana Community Association, asked if we knew how to help a friend and neighbor who were being fined for not clearing his property of debris.
The Three Strikes law that voters passed in 1993 did not include second-degree robbery on its original list. It was added later.
The campaign for a new County Sheriff is on and it is important to take a close look at the men running and to consider your vote carefully. The new sheriff will be with us for many years and will play a critical role in all of ours lives. Keeping Snohomish County citizens and families safe as we welcome so many new people into the area in the coming years will be a real challenge and we want to elect the best of the best.
Many times we take for granted those protecting us and Id like to take the opportunity to thank several people in the Snohomish County Sheriffs office for their service and the generosity they have and continue to show all of us. First, Id like to thank Sheriff Rick Bart for all the years of dedicated service hes provided the citizens of our County.
The article entitled CLC honors Duane Weston that appeared in the November 21, 2007 issue of The Arlington Times contained a serious inaccuracy.
I am humbled; I am in awe, kneeling but five feet from the monstrance, the vessel used to publicly show, worship and honor the Eucharistic Jesus Christ. Radiating rays of purified gold surround the body of Jesus within the monstrance. It is like the Transfiguration of Christ arrayed in dazzling brightness
Have a day at the spa and help raise money for the Arlington High School Seniors all-night Grad Night Party. The Stillaguamish Athletic Club is opening its doors Sunday, May 6, from 2 8 p.m., for the Arlington High School Seniors Grad Night fundraiser.