You will soon be asked to vote funds for the construction of a massive new ferry terminal at the south end of the Edmonds waterfront. An overhead, 7-8-ferry freeway and an automated people mover, of unknown dimensions, will span the north end of Marina Park. It will cover the parking lot, play area and a section, width unknown, of the Port/Park connecting bridge.
On our ballots Nov. 6 will be the Senate Joint Resolution 8212. Please vote no.
Another Motocross? Yes. It seems there will always be people that no matter what is proposed will have nothing better to do than try and stop it. In this case, the motocross park outside of Granite Falls. To respond to a previous letter which makes a statement that from a five minute search on the internet there are 14 official racing facilities and 30 orv parks. Of course, if you found it on the internet its got to be true.
Several days ago a friend asked why I was again standing for election to the Arlington School Board. I pointed out that the current school board administration were failing to provide an adequate education for children resident in the Arlington area and I considered this unacceptable.
I agree with other readers that its a good idea to provide The Arlington Times to everyone free of charge. However, I strongly disagree with the delivery process youve chosen. Have you driven up Burn Road lately, or have you visited my neighborhood in Jordan River Trails? The roads are littered with copies of The Arlington Times. It looks terrible. If youre going to continue providing your paper for free, either leave it in newsstands, like the Little Nickel, or provide paper boxes for everyone in your circulation. Its a crime to litter and to those people who dont read The Times, thats exactly what youre doing.
This summer, as I was going to a store down below, I was sitting in my fathers truck as we drove past Arlington to the Interstate. Sitting there for 30 minutes as we drove down to go do something didnt bother me much, but on that summer day a little bit of the city had crawled its way up here and dug its claws into the skyline, proclaiming that we were no longer safe from the city anymore.
About two and a half years ago I was a walk on at the Glen Eagle golf course in Arlington. As it turns out, Rob Beidler was a walk on. We had never met before but teamed up and played 18 as a twosome. Our conversation during the game turned to his pending campaign for Snohomish County sheriff.
Before the 2007 Stilly Valley Girls Major Fast Pitch All Star team rides off into the sunset, and the proverbial The End is stamped to the bottom of our epic adventure, the girls and I would like to express our appreciation and thank everyone for their support over the last two months. We had an outstanding run, capturing the District 1 Championship, the Washington State Championship and taking 3rd Place in the Western Regional Tournament. Though the girls from Stilly Valley did not make it to the World Series, 5, 10 even 15 years from now, they will know that not only were they the first girls major team from Arlington and Lakewood to go as far as they did, but that in 2007 the Dream Team can proudly claim they were one of the top 15 teams in the U.S. for Little League Girls Major Softball.
Several years ago, Smokey Point citizens and business owners were very concerned when they discovered that funding for the planned I-5 Exit 206 (172nd Street NE) interchange improvements had been redirected to other parts of the county. This concern led to the creation of TRAP (Marysville-Arlington Transportation Relief Action Plan). As history has now recorded, trap sprung into action and with bi-partisan support from our local elected leaders and citizens, met with WSDOT officials and devised an affordable solution. We then acquired funding to get the existing bridge widened from two lanes to six lanes. This completed improvement has allowed our community to grow and prosper.
As a resident of North Edmonds and a commercial airline pilot, I know only too well what opening up Paine Field to commercial airline traffic would do to our community and hence to our property values. The idea that it would be beneficial is merely a shortsighted, knee-jerk reaction to our traffic problems in Seattle.
If you were hiring someone to run a company wouldnt you hire the person with the most background and experience, someone with a passion to serve and do the best for your company and make the hard decisions? A person with vision and a plan to do the most with the budget that can possibly be done? A person that knows the business from bottom to top and has years of experience and knowledge? A person of the greatest integrity, honesty and one who truly cares? If you were hiring a police chief, would you want someone who had years of experience in all phases of Law Enforcement from the bottom to the top? A person who is highly respected and admired by his or her peers, whose honesty and integrity are impeccable and who cares deeply about the safety of those he would serve? If you said yes to either of the above situations then you need to vote for Tom Greene as your next Sheriff. His competitors cannot come close to Toms qualifications or experience. Go to his Web site and read his biography and see who is supporting him, read about his life, what he stands for and you will also see his passion to serve you as your next Sheriff. It only takes a moment for such a critical decision. .
I am very concerned about the increase of car break-ins and thefts in Marysville. I have lived here since about 1988 and over the past five years our cars and my teenagers cars have been broken into about 6-8 times, not including someone inside my daughters car trying to start it at 7:30 in the morning.
Welcome to the Crown Ridge Community. Between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 8 a.m., and 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., you can look to your right just after passing the high school, and you will see between 10 and 20 high school students standing, sitting and urinating in the park belonging to the neighborhood.