Subjects to talk about

This is a response to Input from Readers in the Jan. 10 issue.

This is a response to Input from Readers in the Jan. 10 issue.
I enjoy reading the opinion page most of all, especially Bob Graef. I want Bob to write more about his world travels. Travel is the best education there is. I want to know what other people around the world think of us. I also like Adele Ferguson, even though she is a little controversial. I agree with her at least 95 percent of the time thats not bad. I also like the letters from the general public. There should be more of them.
Newspapers across the nation are fading away because of the electronic media. We have to save these newspapers, including The Globe and The Times.
Subjects that we need o talk about, that I want Bob Graef to weigh in on and that I will also try to write about (because I have an opinion about everything) are:
Graffiti, vandalism and litter the cause and cure.
Curfews they used to work.
Driving age 15-1/2 or 18?
Education whats wrong and how to fix it.
The justice system does it need fixing?
Crosswalks safe or unsafe?
Lack of conscientious people yes or no?
Getting along in this world neighbors and nations.
Walls and fences do they make good neighbors?
Photo cop good idea or not?
Selecting leadership from the White House to the school house, including the court house.
Levies and bonds super majority or simple majority?
Discipline and responsibility where did it go?
Representatives in government where are they?
How to raise chickens and kids.
United Nations what do we do about it, to war or not to war?
There are many other subjects we need to talk about.
John C. Campbell