American Legion Post 76 Toys For Kids had a wonderful year. We raised $14,500 which was spent on toys for the less fortunate children who are registered with the Arlington Food Bank. This year, 351 kids got at least two gifts and sock stuffers. To raise this money we put out donation cans, sell cut outs of various denominations, have a live and silent auction and from monetary donations from individuals and businesses.
On a personal note, this is my last year as chairperson of Toys For Kids. I started out 19 years ago handing out gifts at helping hands. Since then I have met many wonderful people and business owners. I have enjoyed volunteering for this but the time has come to hand it over to somebody else.
Thanks to all of you, past and present, for your help in making sure the kids of Arlington had wonderful Christmas mornings.
Thanks also to my committee for their hard work in helping to raise the money, shopping, sorting, hauling, handing out gifts and making dinner and setting up for the auctions. I appreciate all of you and your hard work and dedication toward this cause.
This years committee members and helpers: Bill Lloyd, Bobby Granberg, John Pedersen, Judy Claxton, Linda Koch, Stacy Peterson, Dan Dennis, Laveta Brask, Kayce Snell and Daughter Jessie, Larry Gardiner, Etta Melhart, Jay and Cate Lorenz, Duane and Coreen Trueblood, Ken Agnew and Son Taylor and Kris Hansen. Ken and Arlene Casperson for loading and hauling all the toys back to the legion, and to Jesse Smith for making all the donation posters.
In addition to the above I would like to thank all Legion members who came to the auctions and to those who donated items for the auctions.
Thanks also to Arlington Food Pavilion for putting up a giving tree,
I wish you all a very Happy New Year.
Barb Lloyd
Toys For Kids Chairperson
Thank You Arlington
American Legion Post 76 Toys For Kids had a wonderful year. We raised $14,500 which was spent on toys for the less fortunate children who are registered with the Arlington Food Bank. This year, 351 kids got at least two gifts and sock stuffers. To raise this money we put out donation cans, sell cut outs of various denominations, have a live and silent auction and from monetary donations from individuals and businesses.