Many times we take for granted those protecting us and Id like to take the opportunity to thank several people in the Snohomish County Sheriffs office for their service and the generosity they have and continue to show all of us. First, Id like to thank Sheriff Rick Bart for all the years of dedicated service hes provided the citizens of our County.
He has gone above and beyond in serving not only our community, but has also served as an excellent example for young people. He has given of himself on his own time in helping my family with several crisis over the years. He didnt have to do this, but he did so because he genuinely cares about people. Second, Id like to thank both Sheriff Bart and Sgt. Vince Linnell for helping a young man some years ago who happens to be one of my children. When my son was young he was at a point where he could have made poor choices. Rick and Vince came along side him, acting as mentors, assisting him in joining the Explorers program, encouraged him in his Criminal Justice studies and encouraged him throughout the process of becoming a Washington State Patrol Trooper.
The time and effort they so generously gave on their own time is now benefiting citizens in our state. My son learned how to serve and give from each of them. Thank you.
Finally, Id like to thank upcoming Sheriff John Lovick for the fine choices he has made in selecting his command. Keeping Chief Tom Greene and Lt. Rob Beidler in leadership positions will be a win-win situation for our County and will promote a positive start as his tenure as Sheriff. A good leader values talent and Sheriff Lovick has demonstrated excellent leadership in his choices. Again, thank you, Sheriff Bart, Sgt. Linnell and Sheriff Lovick for your service to our County and State.
Debbie Axtman
Thank you for your service
Many times we take for granted those protecting us and Id like to take the opportunity to thank several people in the Snohomish County Sheriffs office for their service and the generosity they have and continue to show all of us. First, Id like to thank Sheriff Rick Bart for all the years of dedicated service hes provided the citizens of our County.