On behalf of the Marysville Community Food Bank, I want to thank all those caring and generous people in the Marysville area who contributed so generously to meet out needs for food boxes during the holiday season.
Donations came from churches, schools, businesses, service organizations, the Fire and Police departments, city employees and many others. These included food, checks, toys, blankets and jackets that our clients so desperately need at this time of year.
At Christmas, we served food boxes to more than 600 families, along with turkey, ham or a gift certificate for meat at one of the local grocery stores. In addition, some 1,500 children received gifts at the toy store operated by OMCC.
Many thanks to all who helped, including nearly 100 volunteers who worked tirelessly for many days to sort, distribute and home-deliver food boxes to those who were unable to come in.
We are open year round as part of our mission to feed the hungry in our community.
Michael J. Mulligan, Chairman
Marysville Community Food Bank
Thanks from Food Bank
On behalf of the Marysville Community Food Bank, I want to thank all those caring and generous people in the Marysville area who contributed so generously to meet out needs for food boxes during the holiday season.