Due to my Letters to the Editor, about reforming the Three-Strikes Law, I have been asked by many, including law enforcement, if I believe in the death penalty. Yes, I do.
My mothers murder affected six generations. She was always there for my brothers and I, our children and was a caregiver to her parents. She was an advocate for many children, elderly and handicapped. She was a respected business woman in her community.
In 1965, the man who robbed and murdered our mother shot four people. Two children, two adults, leaving two adults dead and one child handicapped. His sentence was Life without parole. However, he was out in 10 years, killing five more people. Again, he was sent to Monroe prison, where he was known as The Executioner. He is currently serving his time in a Super Max Prison in Colorado.
When the death penalty came up in the 70s, during the years Senator Henry Jackson and Congressman Lloyd Meeds were in office, I actively promoted it. Now it is coming up for vote yet again.
I intend to vote for the death penalty, however, I dont believe in torture by isolation of lifers or jail inmates. They become more violent and fall through the many cracks, re-offending.
Lowana Krewson
Three-Strikes Law Death Penalty
Due to my Letters to the Editor, about reforming the Three-Strikes Law, I have been asked by many, including law enforcement, if I believe in the death penalty. Yes, I do.