Traffic dangers

I would like to congratulate The Globe/Times staff members who won WNPA awards but would like to challenge one of them to cover an accident waiting to happen.

I would like to congratulate The Globe/Times staff members who won WNPA awards but would like to challenge one of them to cover an accident waiting to happen.
I live in Crystal Tree Village, a 55-plus mobile home park behind the new Target/Costco complex. The road from 172nd to these stores is now a thoroughfare. In order to get out of our road, we must run the gauntlet. Being in a vehicle is bad enough, but there are families in nearby homes where mothers push strollers and members of my community are in wheelchairs, all of whom were delighted with the nearby facilities.
Unfortunately, no matter how close these stores are, they are inaccessible. There are no crosswalks, no stop signs, no traffic lights and no way for these people to successfully cross 27th. Turn lanes are ignored by incoming traffic. Speed limits are a joke.
I realize we dont pay the taxes the stores pay the city, but we vote and stores dont. This entire complex has come before the people from the onset. The fixes are inexpensive and easy. Please come check it out now or you can come cover the story when there is a fatality.
JoAnn DeLazzari