Yes on motocross

Another Motocross? Yes. It seems there will always be people that no matter what is proposed will have nothing better to do than try and stop it. In this case, the motocross park outside of Granite Falls. To respond to a previous letter which makes a statement that from a five minute search on the internet there are 14 official racing facilities and 30 orv parks. Of course, if you found it on the internet its got to be true.

Another Motocross? Yes. It seems there will always be people that no matter what is proposed will have nothing better to do than try and stop it. In this case, the motocross park outside of Granite Falls. To respond to a previous letter which makes a statement that from a five minute search on the internet there are 14 official racing facilities and 30 orv parks. Of course, if you found it on the internet its got to be true.
Quite a few of those racing facilities are closed, leaving them few and far between. I bought my niece and nephews bikes/four wheelers and to ride we spend about seven to eight hours on the road for about five hours of riding. That by no means is convenient.
The track will bring something to Granite Falls other than crime, crack and poor economy. Revenue, its a good thing. Kids riding motorcycles instead of doing drugs or graffiti on your fence. Families together come back and eating a good dinner in your town. Yes the track will use 75 of your precious wildlife area, however that is far less than the hundreds of homes that will take its place if it doesnt open up. Would you rather have 300 households with an average of two cars per home? Oh and dont forget the lawnmower and weedeater pollution they would create. It was stated that 400-plus acres would be used that is true, but as noted above only 75 will be used for the facility, the other 350 are a buffer of untouched wilderness. I cant wait for the track. The area needs something like this. I back it 110 percent as well as many of my co-wokers and all my family members. Goodluck Gary.
John Mull