Helping people in need at food bank helps MG basketball players appreciate what they have

MARYSVILLE – Giving back to your community is an honored tradition on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Corby Schuh’s Marysville Getchell High School boys basketball team did just that Monday.

Schuh started his own tradition three years ago having the boys help out at the Marysville Food Bank. It’s a way to encourage the team to make a difference in the world and give back to the community.

“It’s the bigger picture than school and basketball,” he said. “Later in life maybe they will volunteer for a good cause.”

Schuh said they are involved with basketball six days a week, with practices, games and studying film.

“It’s a way for them to bond outside of basketball,” he said.

Ryan King, a junior, said the experience has made an impression on him.

“The community supports us at the games, so we like to help them,” he said. “It makes their day and brings a smile to their faces.”

King said at some point, everyone should give back. He would like to help out there even after high school.

He also said that helping out there builds character.

“It let’s me know how blessed I am not to have to come here,” he said. “Don’t take anything for granted.”

Ethan Jackson, a sophomore, came last year and was looking forward to helping again. He enjoys talking to the people and said they are very nice.

Jackson said both of his parents work so the food bank is a life experience he doesn’t know about. It makes him appreciate what he has.

“I can buy what I want. I’m grateful for my situation,” he said.

Helping people in need at food bank helps MG basketball players appreciate what they have
Helping people in need at food bank helps MG basketball players appreciate what they have