Marysville Historical Society spring tea & fashion show raises $11,000

MARYSVILLE — Focusing on fashion in film seems to have yielded blockbuster returns for the Marysville Historical Society. The Marysville Historical Society's eighth annual spring tea and fashion show on April 10 featured "Fashion in Film: A Focus on Iconic Films and Film Stars" as its theme, and while last year's spring tea and fashion show netted an estimated $7,000, this year's fundraiser drew donations totaling close to $11,000, even more than event chair Rietta Costa had hoped for.

MARYSVILLE — Focusing on fashion in film seems to have yielded blockbuster returns for the Marysville Historical Society.

The Marysville Historical Society’s eighth annual spring tea and fashion show on April 10 featured “Fashion in Film: A Focus on Iconic Films and Film Stars” as its theme, and while last year’s spring tea and fashion show netted an estimated $7,000, this year’s fundraiser drew donations totaling close to $11,000, even more than event chair Rietta Costa had hoped for.

“Thanks to the generosity of the Tulalip Resort Hotel, we were able to expand our attendance capacity by eight more tables,” said Costa, who showed up dressed as Elizabeth Taylor. “With eight guests per table, that’s 64 more people this year. The hotel also gave us more room for more auction items. The silent auction alone cleared $6,000 this year.”

Costa praised Goodwill for presenting the fashion show, as well as table hostesses such as Happi Favro of Attic Secrets for infusing the decor with an appropriately cinematic feel.

“Happi did place settings for nine tables,” Costa said. “Ken Cage, Lita Sheldon and Steve Edin contributed film reels and old posters. It’s those touches that make this show.”

Table hostess Bonnie Bosket won the award for best-decorated table, while Joan Hemm won the best costume award by dressing up as Lucille Ball, complete with a red-haired wig. The award for best hat went to Susan Bonasera.

Costa had a laundry list of groups and individuals to whom she wished to express her gratitude, from the students of Marysville Getchell High School’s DECA and FBLA for checking in and serving guests, to Pick of the Litter Designs for the program fliers.

“I couldn’t have done it without Karen Burkhart, our procurement queen,” Costa said. “And Victoria Mattson not only donated hand-dipped truffles, but also volunteered the whole day even though she’s not a member of the Historical Society.”

Costa noted that it’s never too early to volunteer as a table hostess for next year’s spring tea and fashion show, and encouraged those who are interested to call her at 425-232-3387.