Volunteers from Marysvilles Milgard Windows happily had their hands full unloading three large crates of foodstuffs for the Marysville Food Bank the morning of March 7. All told, the companys Community Action Team collected 3,000 pounds of food from employees and customers. Company workers include, from left, Dan Gross, action team leader Steve Robinett, Ken Combs, Brian Barelay, Rob Oglesbee and Steve Cooper.
Helping out the food bank
Volunteers from Marysvilles Milgard Windows happily had their hands full unloading three large crates of foodstuffs for the Marysville Food Bank the morning of March 7. All told, the companys Community Action Team collected 3,000 pounds of food from employees and customers. Company workers include, from left, Dan Gross, action team leader Steve Robinett, Ken Combs, Brian Barelay, Rob Oglesbee and Steve Cooper.