Marysville, Arlington experienced, starting teachers make much more than state average

Experienced teachers in Marysville and Arlington are among the highest paid in the state.

Experienced teachers in Marysville and Arlington are among the highest paid in the state.

New teachers in the two cities also make out fairly well, according to the Washington Education Association.

In some cases they earn thousands of dollars more than peers with equal experience in other districts. State lawmakers hope to eliminate that during the process of fully funding public schools as demanded by the state Supreme Court.

Experienced teachers in Arlington make $91,372 a year, while those in Marysville make $90,346.

The WEA listed many districts at the top level paying $67,000 annually. That $30,000 difference is a result of years of bargained contracts and districts using local property tax levies to pay higher wages.

Here’s how pay compares among school districts in Washington for the most-experienced and highly educated teachers:

Everett $97,445

Mukilteo $92,282

Snohomish $91,899

Arlington $91,372

Edmonds $90,644

Marysville $90,346

Here’s how pay compares among school district in Washington for starting teachers:

Mukilteo $48,281

Bellevue $47,367

Edmonds $47,180

Arlington $47,177

Shoreline $46,938

Everett $46,890

Snohomish $46,749

Seattle $46,728

Monroe $46,564

Marysville $46,489

Source: Washington Education Association