Marysville sets hearing for 2013 preliminary budget

MARYSVILLE — Marysville Mayor Jon Nehring has unveiled his preliminary budget for 2013, a balanced spending plan that's intended to keep Marysville on a healthy financial course, protect and expand core services, pay down debt and build up reserves for the long term.

MARYSVILLE — Marysville Mayor Jon Nehring has unveiled his preliminary budget for 2013, a balanced spending plan that’s intended to keep Marysville on a healthy financial course, protect and expand core services, pay down debt and build up reserves for the long term.

Citizens are encouraged to attend and provide comments at a Marysville City Council budget public hearing set for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13, in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, located at 1049 State Ave. The regular Monday Council meeting is moving to Tuesday in observance of the Veterans Day holiday.

According to Nehring, Marysville is on healthier financial footing than many other cities as a result of past actions of the City Council and department directors, who have held the line on spending, and more often in recent years, under-spent their budgets.

“Marysville is turning a corner and we are starting to reach our goal of rebuilding funding again for some of the core government services we put on hold due to the unstable economy, and we are moving forward with strategic investments necessary to lay the groundwork for a prosperous future,” Nehring said. “As prudence dictates, we approach the New Year with caution, conservative in our financial outlook, and knowing that we still face significant economic uncertainty.”

The 2013 preliminary budget totals $105.1 million, with a general fund in the proposed 2013 operating budget of $37.3 million, a 2.6 percent increase over 2012 spending levels of $36.3 million. The general fund is used for police and courts, contracted fire and emergency services, parks and recreation, planning and engineering, street repair and other day-to-day general government operations. The increase in 2013 is mainly to meet the operational needs of streets, with an increase in subsidy of $670,568 and increases in salaries and benefits.

The proposed budget includes several initiatives to advance goals for economic development transportation infrastructure and other key service priorities. These include funds for downtown revitalization, pavement preservation, sidewalk and walkway improvements, park trails construction, code enforcement neighborhood cleanup funds, domestic violence services, and establishing a capital reserve fund for specific future capital improvements.

A complete copy of the preliminary budget is available to view on the city of Marysville website at, and at Marysville City Hall, located at 1049 State Ave. For more information, please call 360-363-8000.