MARYSVILLE — Marysville University invites the city’s citizens to register for a free one-night civics class that will offer an inside look at the Marysville Police Department and the law enforcement services it provides to the community.
The class is called “Marysville Police: Protecting Our Community, Preventing and Solving Crime,” and will take place between 6:30-9 p.m. on March 30 in the Marysville City Council Chambers, on the second floor of Marysville City Hall at 1049 State Ave.
Police and other crime prevention officials will share innovative law enforcement approaches developed by the Marysville Police Department, as well as the tools that Marysville Police officers use to fight crime and target criminals. The course will also showcase successful crime prevention efforts that are making Marysville streets and neighborhoods safer.
This course is targeted not only toward adult citizens interested in gaining better firsthand knowledge of the many services and programs offered by the Marysville Police Department, but also toward students and others who are interested in exploring careers in law enforcement.
“MU provides an informal classroom-style forum that brings people from the community together to gain a better understanding of how their local government functions, inspires them to become part of the solution-seeking process, and informs them about city programs, services and projects,” said Marysville Mayor Jon Nehring, who re-instituted the classes last fall.
Free refreshments will be available. Classes are videotaped, and will be shown on Marysville Cable Access TV 21 on Comcast and TV 25 on Frontier, at dates to be announced later.
Please call city of Marysville Community Information Officer Doug Buell at 360-363-8086 to reserve your seat by March 25, or e-mail him at Be sure to include your name, phone number, postal address and e-mail address.