M’ville School District Info Fair Jan. 24

The Marysville School District's fifth annual kindergarten registration and information fair takes place Jan. 24 from 9-11 a.m., and Marshall Elementary Principal Michelle Gurnee sees it as a one-stop shop for parents of kindergarten through middle school students.

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville School District’s fifth annual kindergarten registration and information fair takes place Jan. 24 from 9-11 a.m., and Marshall Elementary Principal Michelle Gurnee sees it as a one-stop shop for parents of kindergarten through middle school students.

Gurnee explained that the information fair started small, with just the kindergarten registration, but when it happens this year, in the Totem Middle School cafeteria, she hopes parents will see how much it’s grown.

“In addition to the kindergarten registration, we now have connections to community resources, such as the Marysville YMCA, the Tulalip Boys and Girls Club, and the city’s parks and recreation department,” said Gurnee, who noted that programs such as MCEP, SHoPP, ELL and ECEAP/LSS would also be represented.

Marysville School District Superintendent Larry Nyland and Assistant Superintendent Gail Miller will be in attendance to answer questions from parents, as will the school district’s board of directors and all of its principals.

“It’s one time and place in the year when everyone can come and get information about the district,” Gurnee said. “We have people to answer questions about small learning communities and other high school programs, special education and alternative programs.”

Parents who are new to the district and unsure of which schools their children will go to can connect with district transportation staff, who will refer them to the proper schools so that they can get registered on the spot.

Parents of fourth- and fifth-grade students will also be able to preview the district’s growth and development curriculum and HIV/AIDS videos before their children see them, since as Gurnee said, “We know that’s a concern.”

Gurnee concluded her invitation by saying, “Every year, we get more parents at the info fair, and every year, it gets better.”