M’ville site can come off contaminated list

MARYSVILLE – The Department of Ecology proposes to remove a Marysville property from a statewide list of contaminated sites because it has been shown to meet state cleanup standards.

MARYSVILLE – The Department of Ecology proposes to remove a Marysville property from a statewide list of contaminated sites because it has been shown to meet state cleanup standards.

Soil at the site known as Ed’s Transmission Exchange, 10226 State Ave., contained oil and lead contamination from historic operations. The property owner conducted cleanup in 2013, by removing about 181 tons of contaminated soil, under Ecology’s Voluntary Cleanup Program. The hazardous substances cleaned up in the soil at the site were lead, petroleum hydrocarbons oil range and other metals.

The site is located within property that has been utilized for an automotive repair and maintenance facility since 1969, and is currently used for that purpose.  The facility came to Ecology’s attention in 1992 through reported mismanagement of waste oil.  Preliminary samples taken by the Snohomish Health Department in 1999 confirmed the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons and metals in soil above cleanup levels on the property.  More extensive sampling was accomplished by the property owner during 2012.  Lead was consistently detected in the soil and established as the primary contaminant of concern.  There were also some detections of petroleum hydrocarbons oil range and other metals.  Ground water was not impacted.

Ecology added the property to the Hazardous Sites List in 2000. It was ranked  “3” under the Washington Ranking Method with 1 high risk and 5 low risk. This ranking estimates the potential threat to human health and the environment relative to other sites in Washington State.

Based on the dirt-removal work, Ecology has determined that the property no longer poses a threat to human health or the environment and is ready for removal from the department’s Hazardous Sites List.  Before doing so, Ecology invites public comment until July 20.

For details see Ecology’s fact sheet, under Electronic Documents at: fortress.wa.gov/ecy/gsp/Sitepage.aspx?csid=4341

People with comments may contact Roger Nye at 425-649-7251 or email roger.nye@ecy.wa.gov.