MARYSVILLE — The city, Snohomish County and the state Department of Ecology are among the sponsors of an Earth Day celebration set for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., April 19, at Ebey Waterfront Park, 1404 First St.

Celebrate Earth Day at Ebey Waterfront Park

MARYSVILLE — The city, Snohomish County and the state Department of Ecology are among the sponsors of an Earth Day celebration set for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., April 19, at Ebey Waterfront Park, 1404 First St.

The event is free and open to the public and, according to the city, will include tours of the Marysville wastewater treatment plant, guided bird watching and informational booths.

Additional sponsors include the Stillaguamish-Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force, the Snohomish Conservation District, Adopt-a-Stream Foundation, People for Puget Sound, Pilchuck Audubon Society and the Jay Group.

For more information, call Adam Bailey at 360-363-8283 or direct e-mails to

Local man wants folks to ‘Take a Vet to Lunch’

MARYSVILLE — Bob Rawe admits his efforts are just getting started.

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So far, he’s invited about 15 military veterans and their family members for a total of about 25 people to his Stanwood home for a free lunch.

Predictably, the idea is to honor veterans.

“I’d like to push the program for other folks to do as well,” said Rawe, himself an Air Force veteran who served in Vietnam.

“When I was in Vietnam, nobody did anything for me, I was just doing my job,” Rawe said.

Or at least that is what he thought. In November, he learned a family member had sent him a care package while he was overseas. It was sent to the wrong place and Rawe simply never received it.

“Thirty some years later, I just found out about it,” he said. The incident sparked Rawe to try and launch a program to give something back to local veterans. He describes the effort as very much in the beginning stages, but recently was invited to speak before the Marysville Rotary Club.

For more information, call Rawe at 360-629-5054 or direct an e-mail to

New group wants to help special education children

MARYSVILLE — Organizers will hold a planning meeting for a proposed new PTSA group for special education students and their families.

The meeting is 7-9 p.m., April 23, in the library of Allen Creek Elementary School, 6505 60th Dr. NE.

Several PTSA officials will be on hand for the session, including Cathy Phipps of the regional PTSA district; Stephen Campbell, the Marysville PTSA council president; and, Nancy Spears, co-chair of the Seattle Special Education PTSA.

A minimum of 25 persons is needed to formally organize the PTSA and volunteers are needed to hold offices within the group. For more information, call Barbara O’Kelly at 360-658-1755 or Pegi Langan at 360-651-6659. Direct e-mails to or

City wants to help residents shred personal papers

MARYSVILLE — The city feels with tax time and paperwork on your mind, now might be the time to think about getting rid of unneeded personal documents which, if left intact when disposed of, potentially can make you an easy target for identity theft.

City residents are invited to bring documents for free disposal, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., April 26, at Marysville City Hall, 1049 State Ave.

A Kirkland-based information protection and destruction company that contracts with the city, Data Base is donating a truck to have on site. Co-sponsor Home Street Bank will give away bottled water and prizes to include home paper-shredders.

City Community Information Officer Doug Buell said document destruction will be done on a first-come, first-served basis and limited to personal documents. Business items will not be accepted. Participants must stay with boxes until loaded, to prevent theft.

For more information, call Buell at 360-363-8086.