MONROE A sneak preview of Sky Performing Arts upcoming production of The Complete Works of Shakespeare (abridged) will be presented Sunday, Jan. 28 at a special celebration of the new venue where future SPA productions will be presented.
MOUNT VERNON Skagit Symphony welcomes families to a free, child-friendly concert featuring the Prokofiev classic, Peter and the Wolfto be presented Sunday, Jan. 28 at 2 p.m. at McIntyre Hall in Mount Vernon.
EDMONDS The new Edmonds Center for the Arts is hosting a special cultural experience for one night only, Saturday, Jan. 27.
EVERETT One of the pre-eminent gospel choirs in the world, which has performed for the likes of Nelson Mandela the Harlem Gospel Choir will perform at the Everett Civic Auditorium, at 2415 Colby Ave. in Everett Jan. 30.
Good relationships require good communications
LACEY In consultation with the State of Washington, FEMA has extended the deadline to register for federal/state assistance for those affected by the Nov. 2-11 floods to Feb. 12 to ensure consistency of the application period with that of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
An Arlington-area photographer, Ellen Felsenthal, has found a niche in photographing animals of many kinds.
EVERETT A 10-year-old who attends Pinewood Elementary School in Marysville, Sierra Price, is playing Marta in the Northwest Savoyards production of The Sound of Music, which is directed by former Arlington High School drama teacher Susan Weingarten. A current drama consultant to AHS, Bob Nydegger, is acting in the show as Uncle Max.
The Reader Advisory Board will be made up of community members (subscribers and non-subscribers alike) wholl meet with the managing editor, and possibly members of the editorial staff, on a monthly basis to discuss how we can continue to improve the newspaper. Its our goal that the Reader Advisory Board reflects the diversity of our community and those who call it home high school students, senior citizens, business people, parents, etc. Serving on the RAB will require a small time commitment, probably two hours per month, but could make a big difference in ensuring The Globe and The Times continues to meet and exceed readers expectations.
MARYSVILLE The party is coming to a firehouse near you, courtesy of the Marysville Fire District Foundation.
TULALIP While the city is booming economically, transportation problems are going to be Marysvilles number one priority for 2007, according to Mayor Dennis Kendalls State of the City address.
MARYSVILLE If timing is everything, the Marysville cops didnt have it last weekend.
MARYSVILLE Vandals ruled the weekend in town despite efforts of the Marysville Police Department to curb a rising tide of graffiti tagging and property damage.