This week in history – from The Marysville Globe archives

10 Years Ago 1997

10 Years Ago 1997
Near 67th Avenue and 88th Street NE, the additions of sewer and an expanded roadway brought little thanks and a lot of grief to the Marysville City Council. Residents of the neighborhood attended the City Council meeting mad about the bills they recently received from the city for the improvements. Thirty-one showed up to protest, all but two represented by an attorney. Resident Cora Welch is upset with her bill of more then $7,000. When we bought our house we were not informed that there was anything like this in progress, she said. She bought the house in 1993 and received the first letter regarding the ULID in late 1994, listing the billing price at $4,300. Mayor David Weiser said he understands the protesters frustrations. It is higher than what everybody expected, he said. It is very difficult to know exactly what an issue is going to cost [until the end]. I call it extortion, said Deborah Nava, a protesting property owner. Councilmember-elect Norma Jean Dierck said that the neighbors display was very familiar. This is where I was over a year ago, she said.
25 Years Ago 1982
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas with Big Mike Kingery walking through The Globes front door with empty gift box in hand. Were wondering if its OK to leave this here to collect toys for the needy, Big Mike asked of Globe general manager Bob Buttke, setting the big empty box on the floor. Little Bob looked up and up and up and said, Uh, yeah sure, by all means. What could he say? Big Mike stands seven-foot-three and weighs something like 300 pounds. Little Bob stands five-foot-ten and three quarters. But he wasnt out to strong-arm anyone. In fact, when Christmas comes around, Mike just might be the biggest kid in Marysville. The Globe will be one of the local drop-off points for a toy drive under the guidance of Big Mike and the Marysville Abate people a local motorcycle club which is among the first to swing into action during the holiday season. The Abate people who are once again putting on their holiday food basket drive are part of the state-wide Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments.
50 Years Ago 1957
Ray Schneider has been named city chairman for the 1958 March of Dimes campaign which will be held in Marysville during the month of January. Schneider, a local real estate man, was named to the local post by Frank Greensheild, Snohomish County Campaign Director. The theme of this years drive is Survival is not enough and will emphasize the urgent need of caring for those persons who have been crippled by polio. There are over 300,000 living Americans who have been struck by the disease and deserve a chance for rehabilitation to a useful life. March of Dimes funds have succeeded in saving many lives, stated Schneider, now we have to make those lives worth living. Funds from the March of Dimes campaign provides medical and hospital care for everyone stricken by polio. In addition, medical research is financed by the Polio Foundation. Results of this research have made possible the Salk vaccine and advanced methods of treatment for polio victims.