Let’s keep them on the field


They’re not good at touting their actions. They lead by example and let the lights shine on those that prosper from their support. The administration at the Marysville School District deserves a big pat on the back for righting the ship and setting a course for continued success.

As is evident in professional sports, you can have all the components of a successful team, but if you are lacking the chemistry to bring them together the team rarely achieves its goal. We have the team and they have proven to us that they do have the needed chemistry to succeed.

They have proven their ability to be fiscally responsible while all the while working to improve the learning environment and educational opportunities for our children. A school district is an unbelievably difficult venue to control. They have to satisfy local, state and national requirements while trying to meet the needs of each student that crosses their threshold. Add to that the open environment of student, parent and community input and you wonder how anything gets accomplished.

During times of success very little is said, but when things go awry there is no end to the banter. We have been blessed with a run of successful silence during which time they have been quietly compiling a list of impressive accomplishments. Let’s show them how much we appreciate their hard work by giving them the financial support needed to get the job done. “Let’s keep them on the Field” by voting “yes” for the levy and bond issues on Feb. 9.

List of Accomplishments

Arts and Technology Campus — Local and state recognition in design and cost efficiencies. Will likely change, in a positive manor, funding of new school construction in Washington state.

Grove Street Elementary — State-of-the-art design bringing expanded learning platforms for the future in a cost and energy efficient package. Completed on time and under budget.

Getchell High School — State, national and international recognition in design and construction efficiencies. Will open 1-year ahead of schedule and under budget.

Fiscal Responsibility — Tight fiscal management of projects and successful grant writing has allowed the district to stretch our dollars and complete projects that previously lacked funding.

Faculty Training — Implementation of increased training bring marked improvement in student testing.

Successful Collaboration — The district has successfully worked with city, county and state government to bring needed infrastructure improvements to the steps of our schools thus providing safer pathways for our kids.

Student Achievement — Success breeds success as is evident in the media coverage of both academic and athletic achievements of Marysville students. They are achieving top honors in many areas and this is truly the yardstick by which our educational system is measured.

Stephen C. Muller is the Citizen’s Oversight Committee Chairman.