My first thought was, what a great pity that another nation should be added to those aggressors who choose to limit our freedom … I find myself at the age of eighty, an old woman, hanging on to the tail of the world, trying to keep up. I do not want the drivers seat but the eternal verities. There are certain things that I wish to express: one thing that I am very sure of is that hatred is death, but love is light. I want to contribute to the civilization of the world but … When I look at the holocaust that is going on in the world today, Im almost ready to let go…
by Sheldon Richman
by Don C. Brunell
My contention that there arent many Scoop Jackson Democrats around any more roused an old friend from my Olympia days to speak up on behalf of his onetime boss.
Labor Day weekend represents the final countdown of the summer season and it should be a time of fun and leisure but when drinking and driving are added to these festivities, fun in the sun can quickly turn to tragedy.
Well, Ive read about as much as I can stand about the sub-prime loan fiasco and the screwed up housing market, much of which went over my head and Ive finally figured out what the problem is. I think.
That, mindful of the right of individuals to privacy and of the desirability of the efficient administration of government, full access to information concerning the conduct of government on every level must be assured as a fundamental and necessary precondition to the sound governance of a free society. The provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed to promote complete disclosure of all information respecting the financing of political campaigns and lobbying, and the financial affairs of elected officials and candidates, and full access to public records so as to assure continuing public confidence of fairness of elections and governmental processes, and so as to assure that the public interest will be fully protected.
by Don C. Brunell
by Eric Earling
by John Koster
Really now, I asked Waste Management, is it worth your while and mine for you to stop and pick up four dog food cans, three cat food cans, one milk carton, an empty whiskey bottle and a sauerkraut jar?
Theres an easy way to get involved in deciding the future of our communities, our county and our state. It doesnt involve a lot of time or effort, yet many people in our communities choose to not take advantage of this opportunity. They choose not to cast their ballots to vote on important initiatives, referendums or candidates for elected office. They leave those important decisions to others.
With the start of 2008 less than a week away, many people will be attending parties to ring in the New Year. And while we celebrate the passing of another year, we should not forget that the holiday season can be one of the most deadly times of the year due to the mixing of drinking and driving.