Preparing for back to school | GUEST OPINION

Back to school is a magical time of year. Weeks of repetitive summer idleness beg for something new and exciting, a chance to explore the new and unknown. There is something energizing about a new journey with all of its’ unforeseen twists and turns. There will be new friends to make, old friendships to renew, and new challenges never before considered; a chance to grow as a person and as a citizen of a larger society.


Back to school is a magical time of year. Weeks of repetitive summer idleness beg for something new and exciting, a chance to explore the new and unknown. There is something energizing about a new journey with all of its’ unforeseen twists and turns. There will be new friends to make, old friendships to renew, and new challenges never before considered; a chance to grow as a person and as a citizen of a larger society.

Teachers have spent the summer recharging their batteries and taking additional coursework that will help them create better learning opportunities for all kids. Elementary teachers will love, guide, care for and instruct anywhere from 25 to 32 students per day. Secondary teachers will be responsible for doing the same thing for upwards to 160 students per day. If you wonder why anyone would do this, just think of your favorite teacher, what they gave to you, and you’ll have the answer. It is a labor of love.

The Marysville School District administration has spent the summer preparing for the year to come. Guided by a very specific mission from the school board, “every student … 100 percent … proficient in literacy and math, graduating on time, and prepared for success in college, career and responsible citizenship,” the district has sent groups of administrators and teachers to gain knowledge and techniques to make this happen. There is no sense of complacency, nor can we be satisfied with past successes, when the goal is to prepare everyone.

The school board wants to partner with parents and teachers, administration and staff to make the 2012-2013 school year the best ever. You will see us in your children’s schools, and in the community, listening to find avenues for improvement. Our commitment is to you. We want to know how the Marysville School District can better meet your needs and pave the way for making our mission come true for you, “100% proficient in literacy and math, graduating on time, and prepared for success in college, career and responsible citizenship”.

Any board member can be contacted by going to the Marysville School District No. 25 web site ( click on school board, and then click on whichever board member with whom you wish to communicate. You can also learn more about the good things happening in the district by reading News and Achievements and reviewing district and school report cards.

The road forward is best if we travel together. Let us hear from you.

Pete Lundberg is District Director No. 3 on the Marysville School District Board of Directors.